Before The Draft
Make sure you start off on the right foot! One of our readers will read through your treatment, outline, or first act (up to 30 pages) and give feedback to help you on your way to your first draft.
2 pages of detailed notes
Concept, character, structure, plot analysis and general suggestions
Fundamental Coverage
What is working and not working in your script? One of our readers will read through your feature screenplay (up to 125 pages*) and provide an analysis on the strengths and weaknesses as well as general structure and character suggestions.
3-4 pages of detailed notes/analysis
Typo and format proofreading
Strengths and weaknesses analysis highlighting concept, structure, plot, character.
*Additional pages over for additional fee
Comprehensive Coverage
Down to the nitty/gritty! One of our readers will read through your feature screenplay (up to 125 pages*) and provide detailed analysis, page notes, and suggestions on improvements.
4+ pages of detailed notes/analysis
Typo and format proofreading with tonal and grammatical suggestions to preserve voice
Strengths and weaknesses analysis highlighting concept, structure, plot, character, voice, dialogue, and marketability
Returned PDF with page notes
*Additional pages over for additional fee